Oh no! It's one of those days where all I want to do is EAT! I am already well over my daily Points allowance and I still want more! Help! I chalk these days up to hormones as they usually happen once a month or so. To make matters worse, the nemesis I have been warding off for the last hour or two, is toast with peanut butter and jam, and my Dad just strolled into the living room with two very-delicious-smelling slices of toast slathered in glittering butter. Oh how I want that toast! That would add a devestating 6 or so points (300 or more calories) today though, and I can't go that far in my Flex points this early in the week. I am planning carefully this week as I have two events coming up this weekend where lots of goodies will be served!
For those of you who have been asking "how I did it", planning is a huge part of my weight loss. I plan what I am going to eat at least a day ahead and generally stick pretty close to it. For example, knowing what I am going to have for dinner, will help me make better choices for lunch, breakfast, snacks, etc. As I mentionned above, I am going to two events this weekend. Because I know I will be indulging at these events, I am trying to be extra careful throughout the week. This will allow me to have some treats this weekend, wtihout feeling too guilty or gaining any weight! Planning has helped me make better food choices overall which has been essential to my weight loss. Sometimes I even plan what I am going to eat for the entire week (although usually my mood changes so I don't usually go this route). Planning helps you to avoid that feeling of "I don't know what to cook for dinner" which usually leads to grabbing the easiset and most convenient (and fatty!) food in the fridge. Or worse, it leads to eating out somewhere easy and convenient which usually means fast-food! That being said, we all have those days where what we have planned to eat, just doesn't sound appealing any longer and we go a little off track. The important part to remember is that going off track, doesn't mean completely falling off the wagon. It means enjoying a few little treats, not feeling guilty, and then getting right back on plan. This hasn't happened easily for me. I am still, to a certain degree, a victim of the all-or-nothing mentality, where if I have a few treats I tend to think "What the hell" and go way overboard. I also tend to consume myself with guilt over what I have eaten, although I am getting significantly better at that. What I am learning most of all, is that eating is all about a balance. I know those of you struggling with your weight will likely shudder when I say "everything in moderation", but to a certain degree, it's true. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm totally the type of person who can not have just one cookie, or a handful of chips. But when it comes to a delicious dinner out, a family BBQ, some ice cream, or other similar treats, I am learning how to enjoy them and incorporate them into my life. None of this would be possible if I did not plan carefully. I am forever thinking about what I have already ate, what I am eating, and what I will eat next. But I hope that someday soon, I will be able to eat "in moderation" without as much thought put into it. Until that day comes, however, I will continue to plan carefully and learn about what my body truly needs to be happy, healthy, and fit. Iam sure toast with peanut butter and jam fits in there somewhere!
Toast with peanut butter and jam definitely fits in! I eat it every morning to get me going and by the end of the day it's well burned off! That's great you're all about meal planning now. It really is the key. Before I go to the grocery store every week I glance through recipes and decide what is going to be for dinner for the next 5 days or so to make sure we buy everything we need. And then I always stock up on vegetables, lettucs, tuna, sandwich meat to make sure I have lunch options. In time you will be able to eat in moderation and not have to think about it so much. I just think because you have newly reached your goal you're still a little worried about slipping, but you shouldn't--you have made healthy eating a lifestyle rather than a diet--it comes naturally too you and it will get easier every day!