Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My tips for what to do on those days when you just want to EAT....

We all have those days when we just want to devour everything in sight (today happens to be one of them for me!) These days are particularly hard to stay on track. Here are some ideas I have found that have worked for me for preventing myself from nibbling and/or mindlessly eating.

1. Brush your teeth -- you won't want to ruin your fresh breath

2. Chew on a piece of gum -- I use this one often in the staff room at work, at parties, or anywhere where someone has set out food that is very tempting but that I'm committed to not eating. It keeps your mouth busy and it's hard to eat when you've already got gum in there!

3. Find something to do - I eat when I am bored so if I keep busy (typing on the computer for example) I am not thinking about eating as much. That is one of the reasons, I am almost always on my computer while I watch tv!

4. A friend of mine puts Crest White Strips on her mouth while she is preparing a meal so she doesn't pick at the food while she's getting it ready -- prevents over-eating and whitens your teeth at the same time!

5. Drink a lot of water - this one doesn't always work for me, but sometimes it can. Water can make your stomach feel really full, although it doesn't provide the satisfaction that food does.

6. If possible, leave the room! When there are goodies out in the staff room, I usually go back to my class to get work done. Out of sight, out of mind!

7. If the goodies belong to you, put them away! Again, out of sight, out of mind (hopefully!)

8. Go to bed - I have a bad habit of snacking late at night so when I feel that urge I just go to bed!

And with that.... Good night!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm all about the gum. At work, because I'm at a desk all day..when I am not eating lunch or having an afternoon snack, I've got gum or mints in my mouth!:)
