Friday, June 18, 2010

Becoming a WW Lifetime Member and Leader!

So, good news! One day after I sent out my application card to be a Weight Watchers leader, the area manager called me for an "interview" (or which she oh-so-friendly referred to as a "chat about your weight loss). It was actually pretty ironic to talk to her because a lot of her questions were about things I had already written about on my blog! Anyway, the long story made short, is that the "interview" went well and she is going to send me the official application. Once I've filled that out, they will see about finding me a spot to be a leader at a WW meeting in Timmins! (not Fort Mac, sorry Karen!)

As some of you may not know, this is all possible because three weeks ago, on May 26, 2010, I recieved my Lifetime Membership with WW! Lifetime Membership is, of course, the ultimate goal with the program. It means, that you've met your goal weight (within a healthy range) and have maintained it for at least 6 weeks. Lifetime Membership also means you no longer have to pay to attend meetings (a super great bonus for me!) Over the last six years, and during all my time coming and going to WW meetings, reaching Lifetime Membership seemed so unattainable to me! Not to say, that I wasn't motivated. I've certainly had my highs of motivation and inspiration. But I've also had many times when I've fallen off track, have felt discouraged, or have just given up altogether. Over the last six years, my weight has gone up and down. However, something changed this time. I re-joined WW last April (2009) after about a year hiatus. At that time, I was around 163 lbs. I still can't really put my finger on it, but something this time has just kept me motivated! (See a future post about some of the different things that have kept me motivated). Maybe it's because I could see myself heading steadily toward my goal. Whatever it was, for the most part, I have stayed on program for over a year now which ultimately, allowed me to reach (and surpass!) my goal weight of 140 lbs.

The best part about losing the weight is looking in the mirror and genuinely love what I see! I am so proud of my healthy, toned, fit body! It's amazing what weight loss can do to your confidence. I suddenly like my hair, my skin, and especially the way my clothes fit! I will admit (albeit sheepishly) that I often pose in different angles in front of the mirror admiring my new body! And usually this expereince comes with feelings of total excitement and happiness! Now, when I look in the mirror I have a big smile on my face! I've even fist-pumped and thought to myself "Yes, I did it!" It truly is an amazing experience!

Now I hope to pass some of my success on to others. That's partly why I decided to become a Weight Watchers leader. It's also why I am writing this blog. I hope to share some of my advice, tips, ideas, etc. with those of you who are reading (thanks again!!!) I am by no means an expert but if there is anything I can do or say to help somebody feel the way I feel about myself now, it's definitley worth a try! So keep tuning in. I hope to hit on some of those topics soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for becoming a lifetime member and leader. That's awesome!! Fist pumps all around;)
