It has been far too long since I have written. At first, I had a lot to say. Once most of it was out, I lost my momentum. But I'm back and still want to thank those of you who have been bugging me to keep writing for the motivation and encouragement!
I just got back from my Weight Watchers meeting and can proudly say I have been hovering around the 132 lb mark! This is a feat I thought I'd NEVER accomplish, in fact, you may remember that my original weight loss goal was 140 lbs, so I have by now surpassed it by quite a bit. I was not trying with great effort to reach 132 hwoever I attribute it to continuing to follow the WW program (although not as religiously, I cheat A LOT more now, but not so much that I am going to gain all my weight back!) and to working out. Exercise and being active has become one of the most important parts of my life. I make time for it EVERY day, unless it's a rest day which I grant myself once or twice a week (or more if I'm on holidays, although even then I try to do low-key exercise like walks, etc.) Being active has become as important as my career, my friends, and even my family. It's just what I do, whereas before it was something I HAD to do. For those of you who are interested in what I do to work, here's an idea of the different types of exercise I do:
1. Jillian Michaels workout videos - I normally hate workout videos, but these are intense and are a killer workout and they aren't too cheesy! I do either the 30 Day Shred (20-min segments) if I'm in the mood for something short; Blast Fat/Boost Metaolism if I need a longer, more stenuous workout, and her Yoga DvD just to round things out now and then.
2. Classes at the gym - I rarely workout on my own at the gym, instead I take classes. Some of the classes I do include P90X (a series of interval training, Boot Camp, kickboxing, and step aerobics.
3. Soccer and Baseball - Soccer is far more strenuous and a lot better workout seeing as you are constantly running! Baseball is fun and I consider it a "Bonus" exercise (more about that later).
4. Strength Training - both my workout videos and classes at the gym incorporate weights and moves using your body's own weight!
As you can see, I am quite active! Being active makes me feel so good about my body and my overall health. It helps keep me fit and toned and makes me love what I see when I look in the mirror! Plus it can really take away the guilt if I do happen to over-indulge or "cheat" on my diet!
I was asked at my WW meeting today whether or not I exercised when I was losing my weight and it was funny because I realized that I actually work out MORE now that my weight is off, then I did when I was losing. The reason being is that when I was losing the weight, I hadn't worked out for as long and I was still heavier so I couldn't do as much. The more I worked out, and the more weight I lost, the more I found I could do (totally makes sense!) Now that the weight is off, my endurance, flexibility, and strength have all improved. Not only that but because I work out SO much, I can actually "Cheat" more and not see any weight gain at all! (Keep in mind, that I still only cheat sometimes). So essentially I rarely feel deprived, I eat bad food often enough that I don't "miss" bad foods, I actually DESIRE healthy foods to enhance what I'm doing when I work out, AND I don't gain any weight (in fact, I have lost a bit more without even really trying!) I truly feel like I have discovered THE SECRET! You know? Everyone asks "What's your secret?" They want the "magic cure" for rapid weight loss! Well for me, the SECRET is to be active, active, active. Make time for yourself, make time for others, but also make time for EXERCISE. It has totally changed my life and I could not ask for anything more!
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