Friday, August 13, 2010


Wow.... today's run/walk was SO hard that it gets it's own post altogether! To begin with, I was very worried about today's run (Run 3 minutes, Walk 2 minutes x 10) for the simple fact that there would be more running than rest! I will admit that I experienced a lot of negative self talk before the run and was very much doubting my ability to do it. In order to motivate myself, I uploaded about 80 new songs to my MP3 player last night. As I was about to head out the door this morning (when the temperature was still around a moderate 22 degrees), my MP3 player decided to go on the fritz! This was extremely frustrating as I was having a "moment" where I felt motivated to tackle the run. Plus, it was already 10 AM and I knew it was only going to get hotter outside, meaning a much more difficult run! Aggravated by my broken MP3 player, I rushed out to get a new one (nothing fancy -- just a cheapie but it works!) I finally got to head out for my run around 1 PM - by this time the humidity was somewhere in the 30s. That being said, it was cloudy and there was a slight breeze so I thought I'd be okay. Boy, was I wrong!! The first couple intervals weren't bad but from about interval four on, it was crazy hard. I found myself looking at my watch when only a minute had gone by, and I was doing 3-minute runs! My face was burning hot, I was drenched in sweat, and I desperately needed some water (note to self: next time you run in such humid weather, bring your water!) My route today was to Gillies, around one time, and back. By interval 6 I did not think I was going to make it but I kept reminding myself how disappointed I would feel if I didn't meet my goal. At each interval, I tried to focus on positive self-talk although there were a lot of "I can't do this" moments!!! By interval 7 I knew I was nearing the end which just made me want to keep going. By interval 9 and 10 I thought me legs were going to fall off!!! My run was probably the slooooowest run anyone has ever seen but that's trivial compared to the fact that.....

I DID IT!!!!

No cheating, no rests, no breaks, I did it! Yes, it was one of the hardest things physically I have EVER done but I proved to myself that with determination and motivation I can stick to it and accomplish little goals. If my body can perform like this, imagine what else it can do! I think way too many of us underestimate the amazing feats our bodies can do for us! I know I am going to keep challenging mine :-) However, I must say....

THANK GOD TOMORROW IS A REST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

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