Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Running Journal

Run 1 minute, Walk 2 minutes x 12. (36 minutes)

I am motivated and anxious to start the program! The run went well, not having much difficulty running for 1 minute segments. Weather was nice, I ran all around the neighbourhood. Some words in the Handbook that really stuck with me were about using weather as an excuse. "it's too hot", "it's raining", "it's too cold" etc.... the book said DRESS FOR THE WEATHER AND GET OUT THERE! This has really stuck with me, I am going to DO IT!

Run 1 minute, Walk 2 minutes x 9 (27 minutes)

Although today's run was shorter it was a lot harder because of the humidity. I also chose a route with a few small hills, which added an additional challenge. I found the first 2-3 intervals the hardest and it got easier after that. Tried to focus hard on my breathing especially during running segments. I was drenched in sweat by the time I got home but very proud of myself for completing Day 2!

Run 1 Minute, Walk 2 minutes x 11 (33 minutes)

I was frustrated today because Brad had to unexpectedly work longer than planned, leaving me to watch the kids and I was worried I wouldn't have time to do my run before I had to go to work at 5:30 PM. I was really determined to get my run in before work because I knew I wouldn't feel like going after work. It wasn't as hot today, in fact it was cloudy and looked like it might rain. I was anxious because I wasn't sure how I was going to go for a half-an-hour run when I had to watch the kids, but I was determined to figure something out. I couldn't get a babysitter so I thought of a plan! I did my run around Gillies Lake (2.3 km once around, I went around twice!) while the kids played at the playground beside the lake. They had a blast playing AND I got my run in so it worked out to be really great! As a reward to the kids for their good behaviour while I was running, I took them to McDonald's for lunch. After running, I certainly was NOT tempted by McDonald's so ate chicken and rice when I got home! Overall, run was good... feeling pretty easy but a little anxious about next week when run segments increase.....

Run 2 minutes, Walk 2 minutes x 11 (44 minutes)

I really wanted to stick to my run-every-second-day routine but I was worried that after attending last night's wedding, staying up late, and then working ALL day today that I would be tempted to skip my run. But I PLANNED it in, and I stuck to it! Yay! I went running from 7-8 PM tonight and it was absolutely gorgeous outside! It was a sunny, warm-with-a-cool breeze summer evening. My route tonight was run to Gillies, one lap around, and back home. The sun setting over Gillies was absolutely gorgeous! I had been feelign a little worried about this run and that I wouldn't be able to complete it because the running segments increased in time, but I DID IT! The first 3 intervals were pretty tough, the next 6-7 were good, and the last 2 were kinda tough - ow, sore legs! I just kept reminding myself to take my time and focus on my breathing. I also tried to get relax and get into a "zone" when I was running where I wasn't thinking about it too much. Also, running around a lot of people (who were out walking etc around Gillies) was motivating! I felt like they were looking at me with envy wishing they cuold be a "runner" too (just how I USED to feel!) OVerall, I am very proud of myself! Next run.... Tuesday!

Run 1 Minute, Walk 2 minutes x 10 (30 minutes)

Today was an easier run, since the running interval was back down to 1 minute. I ran 2 laps around Gillies Lake (approx. 5 km). I saw my friend Melissa along the way which is motivating because she is an avid runner and has given me lots of tips and advice lately! Run felt good, although I am still SLOOOOOW.

Run 2 minutes, Walk 2 minutes x 10 (40 minutes)

I was worried about today because I felt like I wasn't going to be able to complete the run portions. I'm not sure why I felt this way since I managed to complete it on Day 4! Today's run started off really good. I had a lot of energy and was able to pace myself way. A couple of run intervals ended up being on big hills, wow what a workout! But even that didn't slow me down :-) Realized that 90s punk music like NOFX, Blink 182, Offspring, Green Day etc, is great running music! Going to refresh the i-Pod this afternoon! Also went and bought an arm strap so I have a place to "carry" my i-Pod when I run! Week 2 is complete! I feel so great, motivation is still high! One thing I noticed is that after my runs my lower back is quite sore. Still a little tightness in the left hamstring too. Gotta keep up the stretching! Run 7 tomorrow.....

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